No matter how big or small your business is you have to do some form of marketing in order to drive up your business. If your business is an online entity then you have many more advantages to you when it comes to marketing with prices being far more reasonable. However, there will always be some form of cost involved if you want to run the marketing campaigns that are going to have the outreach that is necessary to bring you the results.


Many small businesses cannot afford a large marketing budget and for this reason they often get left behind their competitors who are better off financially. There is a solution to this and it is called co-marketing. This working with other businesses or groups on a marketing campaign that will serve to promote all of the businesses involved. At first you may be a little uneasy about this, thinking of that you are going to be working with competitors and that they are going to fare much better than you. This is not true if you choose the right marketing partners to co-market with. For example, if you are marketing daycare services and you know of somebody that is selling baby products then the two of you could call market together and while having a similar interest your businesses are totally different.

Read: Edmonton Calgary Red Deer Alberta AB Small Business Accounting Service

What you really want to do is focus on building organic marketing campaigns. These are more efficient and cost effective. And the other great advantage of co-marketing is that you can build back links from other quality sites to yours and vice versa. You can take advantage of both the target markets for the individual businesses. You will also find that by working with others on your marketing campaign all of the responsibility for building your campaign doesn’t rest just on you. It can be done as a group effort with everybody taking a small sector of responsibility to pull the campaign together.

An effective portion of this campaign is what is called edification. This is a where you’re going to build up your partners attributes in a positive manner and they will do so in return. You now have two websites with a similar niche supporting each other and creating positivity in two different groups of target markets. You can also use your co-marketing strategies for product releases campaigns and promotions at that are coming up.

What is going to be important is that you to pick a business entity to co-market with that is going to be easy to work with and has the same objectives and goals that you do.

Accountable Business Services is a leading Accounting and Tax services providing firm in Alberta (Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer) offers low cost and high quality business services to the valuable businesses of Alberta. Contact Us for your business services.

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