Have you paid your Income Taxes yet? An Income Tax Return is essentially your report to the government of all of your income and some other financial particulars for a given year. While your Return may show that you’ve to pay more Tax, you may also be entitled for a Tax discount if you have credits for expenses like health care, child care or school.

We are compelled to pay Tax in Canada, and a substantial amount of our profit goes to pay Tax.  Why not have an expert prepare your Income Tax Return and assist you in Tax planning?  The target of Tax planning is to minimize or defer Taxes payable. Persons are given the chance to prepare their financial matters in the most healthful way possible within the rules of the Income Tax Act.  Many Canadians do not give much thought to Tax planning until it is time to File their Income Tax Returns. However, it is the Tax planning throughout the year that will save the most money at Tax time. The experts at Accountable Business Services (ABS) Canada offer complete Income Tax Return Filing and Preparation Services at very low rates.


Accountable Business Services (ABS) provides high-level Income Tax Return Filing and Preparation Services. Our complete client atonement package includes assessing your individual situation to identify Tax savings and potential Tax deferrals. We take great care in recognizing areas which can be utilized to minimize taxes and maximize repayments.

Tax payers are commonly not fully knowledgeable of the deductions accessible to them and the welfares of Tax Planning via Income splitting and other means. Our expertise in these domains and personal attention given to each individual sets us apart from Tax preparers who process Returns based exclusively on slips and information provided by the client. We identify the deductions and credits available to individuals and ensure that each opportunity is utilized most efficiently.

The benefits of employing a firm such as ours most surely outweigh the costs. Our clients genuinely apprize our individualized care and quick turnaround. Accountable Business Services (ABS) is a full service accounting firm that can provide a variety of Income Tax Return Filing and Preparation Services including Corporate Income Tax Return Services; ABS can play your Personal, Corporate Income Tax Return Filing and Preparation experts in Alberta, Edmonton, Area, St Albert, Strathcona County, Calgary, Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Fort Mcmurray, Grande Prairie, Airdrie, Banff Canmore, Lloydminster and all over Canada at a very emulous (competitive) price.

According to Canada Revenue Agency, all resident corporations (except crown corporations and resident charities) have to File a Corporate Income Tax (T2) Return every tax year even if there is no Tax payable.

This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Non-profit organizations
  • Tax-exempt corporations; and
  • Inactive corporations

As your corporate Income Tax Return Filing and Preparation experts in Alberta, ABS will assure that you File your Income Tax Return no later than six months after the end of each Tax year. The Tax year of a corporation is its fiscal period. When the corporation’s tax year ends on the last day of the month, returns should be Filed by the last day of the sixth month after the end of the Tax year. When the last day of the tax year is not the last day of the month, file the return by the same day of the sixth month after the end of the tax year. Please keep in mind that even though the filing date of the Return is six month after the end of the Tax year, if any amount of money is due in the form of corporate Income Tax Return then Tax payments must be made no later than three months (90 days) after the end of the tax year. For example, if your fiscal year end is December 31, XXXX. The corporate Income Tax Return would have to be filed by June 30, XXX but any taxes due must be paid by March 31, XXXX. Any payments that are received late will be subject to interest and penalties by the CRA.

Our team of educated and experienced experts will ensure you File an Income Tax Return that sparks the optimum amount of Income Tax payable. Our Contact Details are given below:

Contact Details

Accountable Business Services (ABS)

9905 104 St NW T5K 2G5 Edmonton

Support Call: 780 (850) 4786 & 403 (478) 6441

Fax Number: 780-669-7960

Website: https://absprof.com/

E-Mail: [email protected]

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